Does NAD+ increase life expectancy?

Essentially, this question can be answered with “Yes.” However, to this day, this has only been proven in mice, as studies in humans are still ongoing. Increasing NAD+ through boosters like NMN can thus extend the lifespan and health span of mice.

Increased NAD+ levels have shown a modest life-extending effect in mice. Using the NAD+ precursor NR, scientists found in a study published in Science in 2016 that NR supplementation increased the lifespan of mice by about five percent.

An increased NAD+ level also provides protection against various age-related diseases. Protection against age-related diseases means a healthier life over a longer period, which increases the healthspan.

Some anti-aging scientists like Sinclair consider the results of the animal study to be so successful that they themselves take NAD+ boosters. However, other scientists like Felipe Sierra from the National Institute on Aging at the NIH do not consider the drug to be fully developed yet. “The bottom line is that I don’t try any of these things. Why don’t I? Because I’m not a mouse,” he said.

For mice, the search for the “fountain of youth” may have come to an end. However, scientists agree that we are not quite there yet for humans. Clinical trials with NMN and NR in humans could yield results in the next few years.

How the NAD+ level can be increased

The NAD+ level can be naturally increased by promoting its synthesis, by strengthening the enzymes involved in NAD+ biosynthesis, or by taking NAD+ precursor molecules.

Healthy diet

A healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and moderate exercise is not only good for mental health but can also increase the NAD+ level.

Mild physical stresses like fasting and exercise can stimulate the production of NAD+. In yeast, calorie restriction activates NAD+-dependent genes, the sirtuins, and significantly extends lifespan. In mice of various strains and genders, calorie restriction consistently led to an extension of life expectancy.

Many animal studies show that animals can also increase their NAD+ levels through exercise. A recent study in humans demonstrates that aerobic and resistance training can restore age-related enzymes involved in NAD+ synthesis in muscles.

Exercise, exercise, exercise!

One of the simplest ways to naturally boost NAD+ levels and overall health is exercise. Regular physical activity can enhance the DNA-building proteins in your body and keep you strong, while also maintaining a healthy weight.

Your body responds by producing more NAD+, depending on how much it exercises daily. By staying fit, you can slow down the inevitable aging process.

Avoid harmful radiation

If you spend too much time in the sun, your NAD+ level can decrease. Direct sunlight can cause your body to use up a significant amount of NAD+ to repair damage caused by the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays.

To avoid skin damage, you should try to stay outdoors as little as possible while the sun is still shining and always cover up with light, loosely fitting clothing.

Seek out sources of heat

While staying in direct sunlight is bad for your overall health and NAD+ levels, being in natural or artificial heat can indeed help to raise your NAD level.

Common sources of heat such as saunas, hot tubs, and heated pools can cause your heart to beat faster and force your body to use more energy to keep cool. This triggers the increased production of NAD+ to supply the necessary amounts of energy.

Supplementation with NAD+ boosters

People use NMN and NR as dietary supplements to increase NAD+ levels. NMN and NR are biosynthetic precursors to NAD+. Commonalities of these precursors include using the same chemical pathway for NAD+ biosynthesis. Both molecules are also safe for human consumption.

Scientists have conducted human studies that show NR can increase NAD+ levels. Studies on NMN also indicate that it can raise NAD+ levels in rodents.

A study shows that mice have an NMN transporter in their intestines. The gene for this transporter is also present in humans. If the NMN transporter in humans has a similar expression, the body can utilize NMN.

Why do people take NMN to increase NAD+ levels?

People take NAD+ boosters like NMN for various reasons, including enhancing athletic performance, achieving a more youthful complexion, and combating age-related diseases. While some claim they feel youthful and energized from the boosters, others don’t see the same results.

The growing evidence from animal studies might have fueled the hype around these therapeutic claims. Supplementing with NMN increases the bioavailability of NAD+ in cells, reversing age-related diseases and extending lifespan in animal models. However, the question arises if these findings from animal models translate to humans. Currently, there are no clinical studies proving that these supplements have therapeutic properties in humans.


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